Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Fun Activities in The Winter

Winter is a season of recovery, preparation...
 and Fun.

Ski Santa Fe...where if you are those kind of adventurous person and would like to experience skiing there´s an affordable 3 day stay classes where they train visitors on this sport...

 have always found Winter as an interesting time of the year. Although it's been thought is time when blue mood can reach you out, it can otherwise turn into the most important time of the year and good memories to be treasured. Filled with adventurous experiences. It´s also a time for reflection and sharing all those exciting moments. As well time to enjoy and keep ourselves warm in the cold.

At the first time when I had the experience of seeing really snow, was in January 1997. The first night there in Massachusetts where I stayed for about seven months, my sister´s family and I went sightseeing around the city at night. It was a 'Spectacular Magic Night' not even in my dreams when seeing all those houses decorated with the Christmas´s lights on a snowy land display. 

I remember later telling my sister how much I liked Winter there and she used to answer, “You say that because you have just been here for a few days, But stay a year or two and let see if you still think the same". Maybe she was right because in some places Winter´s weather lasts long. This season I´ve known causes depressions and also dealing with the snow in the daily basis causes arthritis to people and probably some other diseases are more frequent because of the weather. But also doing all kind of activities is good for burning calories and keep ourselves exercising and healthy.

And I also know about the damages that causes to the bottom of the cars, and something else to take an account are the 'falls' that the "Black ice can cause", after the snow starts to melt. Yes! Of course I remember a day when later I had moved to the state of Georgia in 2005. A place where it doesn´t snow really often, but it does snow there.  Some friends and I had gathered to spend the evening over another friend´s house. The temperature was bellow freezing degrees, so it was very cold. I remember that it started to drizzle but we just headed to our friend´s. We never realized how it was going to be on our way back home. 

I´m glad we all lived close by. But at the moment we headed to the road, the car was sliding from one side to the other to the limits of the road. So we just continued driving back home very  slowly.  At the moment we got off the car, I did`n see my friend anymore, she was on the floor. I was all frightened and I went out to help her but the driveway was so slippery. I remember I took my slippery shoes off  but my socks literally got stuck on the ice. That wasn't nice at all, so I decided to take off my socks as well, that was so burning cold but I could feel more steady to walk on the ice.  That was such a bad feeling that at the last steps I just crawled into the house.... After all, when we got into the house, It was the most funniest experience not to be able to walk steadily  on the 'slippery ice'. 

On the other hand why do people love snow so much?

On my experience and curiosity I have noticed everybody from babies to elderly all enjoy snow so bad! There is a strong attraction to snow, to play with it, to lie on it, to slide on it. And more surprisingly is that all kind of animal species love it too.

I personally wanted to ask you what do "You" think the attraction to snow is all about. Of course the countries where there is rarely snowy days, there´s a contagious happiness and a willing to set everything away, like work, school…. just because of the idea to go to the mountains to enjoy the experience. There might not be classes on that day but everybody wants to go out on the snow. 

A Little Research

Since I Wonder, What Do People Think About Winter and of Course About the Snow. This Is What I Found:

People have an intense love-hate relationship with it. The hate part is mostly due to the immense disruption it causes to the transport infrastructure.
However there are a lot of things people love about the snow.
Watching snow fall is beautiful.
Nature at it's best! Looking at snow settled outside looks even more beautiful.
It makes the  countryside and lawn look even more pleasing and picturesque when it has a thick white blanket covering it.

They also said:

"Growing up as a kid I used to always wish for snow because it meant I could have a lot of fun making snowmen, snow angels, having snow fights with friends and tobogganing. Playing outside in the snow is the only time you feel like going outdoors during winter. Also, most times when snow is heavy enough to affect road traffic, school used to be cancelled, another little perk of snow. So you could say that from being a child people develop a love for snow.

   Winter here in Britain is quite depressing with cold weather and stupidly early sunsets. If it wasn't for the festive Christmas season it would be a hell of a lot more depressing. Snow brightens most people's mood up a little during these times (until the point where it causes massive disruption). This may be a bit of  a weird personal one but I love the crunch you get when you step into snow".

A journey to the unexpected...

 What could we do at this magic time of the year? 

Set A Camp Fire

Image result for campfire pictures with friends in winter
Something special about a campfire 'it draws us in with its magic and heat, encouraging conversation, music, and intimacy'.

In this digital age, when it’s so easy for us to be distracted and to disappear into our own devices, sitting around a fire in the dark pulls us back together and helps us reconnect with each other, and with nature.

Whether you’re on an overnight camping trip or in the backyard with a fire pit. There´s some activities we can do to create connections and build bonds around the campfire. 

You can literally  set a camp fire and enjoy a warm and luminous evening, burning marshmallows to prepare some delicious S´mores, perhaps.

Maybe enjoy playing "hide and seek". This activity is one that should take place outside the ring of campfire chairs, since it involves running around in the semi-dark. This game can be done with kids and adults, or for kids only if you’re looking for something to keep them entertained while the grownups sit around the fire chattering about their day experiences, and about all kind of stuff going around nowadays

So let´s enjoy - One person is given a flashlight and shuts their eyes and counts to 30 while everyone else hides. The person with the flashlight searches for the other players, using the lit flashlight. If the "flashlight person" finds someone, he or she  “tags” them by shining their flashlight on them. That new person then becomes "flashlight person,” taking the flashlight and counting to 30 while the other players hide.

We can also enjoy games like "Broken telephone" and many others.

Or just strumming the guitar at night time while gazing at the stars.

Wander Around The Sparkling Snow

My experience of having lived in a place where I could just wake up and enjoy what I have only seen on postcards and calendar´s pictures, became into another of my life´s experiences on which I could feel happy myself and a life-time worth all human beings  should experience.

The warmth of a cold winter as a life style...

A joyous experience  of what our eyes could see...

Some steady and friendly trees as the front door neighbors...

At any time collect the biggest piece of ice...

In a calm evening drinking hot chocolate,
 maybe, reading a book...

At a luminous night...

I invite you not to miss the feeling of walking in the snow. Unforgettable days those when  I personally had the opportunity. I can tell you I could imagine the sensation of walking on top of a gigantic cake with a whipping cream topping. And enjoy the sound of snow crunching under my boots. And never miss either to lie on your back and make an angel in the snow.
 It´s an incredible experience!

Build a Snowman

Don´t forget to bring with you:
  • a hat
  • some nice and big buttons,
  • a tie
  • a handkerchief
  • or a scarf 
  • the traditional carrot for it´s nose and buttons
  • Oreo cookies
  • and jelly beans

You can always make it! With much or little snow, with help or without it...

Video: How to build A Snowman....

The Forest Ranger Snowman...

The snow camp crew...

Snow-Cardboard sliding

Snow-Cardboard hill sliding could be the funniest and inexpensive way to enjoy the adventure. 

The baby before a nap...

                                                                                                    Just a cardboard is needed...
Image result for sliding with cardboard on the snow

Video: Film all the moments...

Video: Decide to roll down the hill... 

Snow Disk Sliding

Snow disk sliding is a safe way to enjoy the snow adventure without risk of falling, Well? if you are aware of the trees and you have fast reaction to avoid stamping on the trees.

Video: Watch Out For The Trees!...

Video: Safe for all ages...

Video: Dogs Sled Baby In the Snow...

Glen Brook Winter Camp

Video: Play and Explore in the snow!...
I found such a place to bring your kids as an opportunity for all the adventurous winter activities. Glen Brook Camp that offers an overnight winter program for 3rd through 8th graders and morning and afternoon activity blocks. I´s a winter wonderland, and they  take advantage of it!

The Entire Human Species Enjoy Rolling Down  the Snow 

Watch these videos...

Video: A panda at the zoo...

Video: Enjoy seeing your pet dog sliding down a snowy mountain...

Video: Buddy dogs play together....

Video: Dog drags sled up a snowy hill and goes on a "Wild Ride" after his owner had given him some lessons.....

Video: Crow boarding: Russian roof-surfin' crow bird caught on tape...

Video: Crows Playing On A Snowy Car...

A fantatic movie  "Frozen" Did you see it?...

By the way please leave me your comments: 
  • I would like to know your opinion about "Winter" and  "Snow" as displayed in this blog.
  • What is the first thing it comes to your mind when Winter is about to start? Which is your favorite season?
  • Do you agree with people´s comments in my research?
  • What feelings and memories Winter time brings to you?
  • What benefits could Winter have against the other seasons?
  • What relevant or outstanding things have you done in the Winter?
  • What season is the most important for you?
  • Do seasons have to do with our moods or our achievements in life?
  • What do you think about the crows boarding, and playing in the snow?   Isn´t it amazing?
  • What comment would you bring about the movie "Frozen"?
I would like to hear from you, see you in my comments box. Thanks.